


70 Best Long Distance Relationship Quotes in English | Relationship Quotes on Long Distance

Collection of Relationship Quotes Long Distance | Best Relationship Quotes for LDR(long-distance relationship)

use of relationship quotes long distance

 let's find out why we need to use relationship quotes-long distance, LDR( long-distance relationships) must be the foundation of every relationship. Such a relationship can also be a 'love test' for both of you. The formula to share the feelings of the heart by writing letters, sending gifts, sending relationship quotes on long distances is still an effective formula to maintain healthy LDR.

If you want to be with someone, then learn this first or you can live without them.

relationship quotes-long distance:-

Distance is not misery 
if the distance is not in the heart…
proximity is useless 
if the place is not in the heart

we are both living !!
nothing but just living !!
living with compulsions !!

Distance is just a test 
to see how far love can travel.

Even after being away, 
someone is so close,
only the distance 
gives a sense of this


These distances will also be lost
 in front of our true love

What was achieved 
by keeping the distance 
even today,
they still called 
I am only yours...

One day will definitely come
 when these days will pass
and our whole day 
will be spent in 
each other's arms.

we are not together but
our hearts are 
connected to each other,
so do not worry dear
we are not separated


relationship quotes long distance:-

There is a distance between us, 
but there is love in our hearts,
It is not our defeat, 
it is the defeat of these distances.

you are so close to my heart 
that even after staying away, 
I never realize the distances

This heart wants to stay with you
sit with you,
Then holding our hands,
we sing our new songs of love,

when people talk about us,
people will say that 
they have stayed away from each other
but have never been away from each other.


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Neither the house,
 nor the street, 
nor the city,
Still feel that 
you are near the heart,
Maybe because our sky is the same

True love is that in which,
 despite being away, 
their hearts beat together

I am present in two places, 
here and where you are

Talking to you through the night 
made my whole day


relationship quotes long distance:-

I used to be with you so much,
I do not like my friends these days

The bonds of true love 
do not weaken with an excuse

What kind of a sequence is this, 
between you and me,
there is a lot of distance between us, 
but our hearts beat together

I feel safe in your shadow,
when you are with me, 
I became fearless.....

I am taking you 
and your heart with me
by keeping you in my heart


If there is no love then love dies
Otherwise, distances don't matter

His heart wants to erase this gap now,
The heart wants me to embrace you now

We are just out of sight of each other,
but we are close to each other's heart


relationship quotes long distance:-

I will meet you 
and never go away again,
Only this dream now
 grew in my eyes.

Now how can I say that 
I am far from you,
I can see 
your face in everything

Every day I pray to God,
Look forward to seeing you soon

I wish I could come to you 
just like my memories

all relationships go through hell;
real relationships get through it.


I asked the moon last night,
What is the situation of my lover,
Chand asked smilingly,
Why do you ask me the same question every day

I know you must be
 the feeling I am with you,
because I am here, 
but my soul is with you.

This distance is taking your test,
if we both pass this examination 
then we will become inseparable

The more I look forward to meeting you,
the more I will enjoy meeting with you


relationship quotes long distance:-

We are probably like
 two parallel lines,
Walking together, 
never meeting each other

Due to distance, 
it takes a while to meet.
But these distances 
never stops us to meet.

There is a lot of distance between us,
but there is not even an inch gap 
between our hearts.

I cannot reach you,
but I am sure 
my love always reaches you.


These distances will 
bring us a little closer,
love will increase between us 
and distance fades away

now we are staying away 
but due to love,
 we can never get away

You are so far away from my eyes,
how can I smile without seeing you?

I think so much about you,
that I cannot think of anything else except you


relationship quotes long distance:-

Not a single day passes,
without missing you

I am far from you, 
but your heart is with me

whenever my heartbeats,
I miss you each time
my crazy heart says,
You're just mine,

Stars will also break 
and fall on the ground on the day
when we meet again 
after such separation


relationship quotes long distance:-

You stay near me 
even after being away
Everything is special to me
 whatever you say

The heart must be close, 
physical distance doesn't matter

The distance is between, is this anything?
we are sitting so far, is this even a thing?
Sir, love is there, no war,
Suffering so much, is this even a thing?

Our love is absolutely unmatched,
which is still intact despite such distances

Only your memory is in my heart,
No one is more beautiful than your face

Fill your heart with Love 
so that all the distances fades away

how can I tell you 
the condition of my heart
Laugh on my lips only occurs 
whenever your smile.

The love story of ours is a bit difficult,
we meet each other less 
and miss each other more


relationship quotes long distance:-

Write millions of letters in your name,
written in every letter, just one prayer,
Stay with you forever and ever,

I fell apart in the way of love
What kind of helplessness is this?

She stays away from me 
but her picture always stays 
close to my eyes and my heart

Only you can fill 
the emptiness in my heart,
and as long as you are away, 
this emptiness can never be filled.

hope you like this relationship quotes long distance. it is important that you are an expert in the art of conversation. This talent comes automatically in those people who are in LDR because it is no less than a challenge to show love and affection. with these relationship quotes-long distance anyone can express love towards the partner.

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